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Showing posts from February, 2019

3 Things about Obedience

Imagine that you are going to have a child soon and you have a set of names that you could choose from. How many of us will choose to name for our child Obedience over Love, Grace, Mercy, Joy, Shalom, Goodness, Blessing or Abundance? There must be something with the word obedience that we prefer not to bring this topic into much of the conversation. We would like to hear more of love, grace, mercy, joy, peace, goodness, blessing, and abundance over obedience. Why? For me it is because obedience requires something from us, we need to sacrifice something to obey. It requires paying certain price. Obedience involves giving up something and positions us in the place of giving while in our mind the words love, joy, etc. are about receiving from God. I realize that it is more natural for us to receive than to give. One thing that we should acknowledge is we can receive from God because He already gave it all on the cross for us. We can experience love, joy, mercy, grace, blessing, goodne...

Hearing from God

How do I hear from God? How can I be sure that it is God who talked to me? Some people claimed that they heard from God and God asked them to do this and that. Is it legitimate? Does God really speak to us? Does He even want to talk to us? I had doubts in the past regarding this topic. I have been taught since young all the theories about God's purpose and will in my life and how I should seek God and listen to Him to know what He wants to fulfill in my life. However it is only until the last couple of years I really experience what it is like for God to talk to me and put something in my heart both for me to keep and to share with others. However even until now I am still learning how to really listen to Him. To be honest I still mess it up and mix up here and there between His voice, my voice, or voice from the enemy. Nevertheless I would love to share some pointers and learning points that could help anyone who really wants to get connected to God even more. First of all God s...

Change and Growth

It is funny to see how God works. He allows some situations to repeat for us to realize that there must be something wrong here. It makes us think why these things always happen to us. For me it is the feeling of being unappreciated and misunderstood. Several cases in the past I experienced how people mistreated me after I gave my all for the team. Looking back I realize that I gave the exactly the same responses when this situation came up. I retaliated and defended myself as I did not want people to step all over me especially after what I have given up to come to that point. Everytime I retaliated it did not end very well. In the aftermath I became even more misunderstood and thus felt even worse. Nevertheless I kept giving the same response again and again because I did not find the better response as per my understanding. Same response same results. Same situation keeps on coming. See the correlation here? God is too good to let us to be the same person whole of our lives. He kn...