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Showing posts from November, 2021

Reflection on Hunger

Great truth on hunger from Ps @saulafh for the past few weeks at@vfcsg.. been reflecting on the series with below takeaways from where i stand now: 1) hunger for the right things brings the right atmosphere - if we are hungry for God and the things of God we will be filled with Him and all things that reflect who He is - this means it will bring peace, joy, hope, faith into our lives - if we are angry, disappointed, unhappy maybe because we are chasing the wrong things to fill our deepest hunger which we might realize or not realize it always has to do with our Creator? - i could imagine if i am hungry for kfc and for some whatever reasons i have to settle for salad, it will leave me with some frustration, disappointment there that could only be fixed with having kfc to have my true fulfillment.. and bring joy and peace into my life :) :) :) 2) joyful, peaceful, faithful, hopeful people attracts - first of all it will attract people with the same atmosphere.. this will make the right a...