The most popular sentence in our home is this very simple two worder "Uel, no!!". This sentence could be said in different tones from the lower register until the high register depending on the situation and the mood of the speaker. Uel is our 1 year old who has started to walk. Once he has gained that confidence he would walk non stop here and there all over the house. As per other kids his age he is so curious about things ranging from electronics like TV, router, laptop to usual ordinary things like mirror, garbage bin (yes, i know what?!), and hanger. To keep it short he touches everything that he wants. One thing that i realize the more we say no to one and other acts the more he would try to touch it. my wife Gil always says that this is the nature of 1 year old who is curious about everything. Although he might know that it is wrong (he always wiggles his pointer when we say Uel no no no) he keeps doing it as if he has no control over his urge. I realize this is actual...
Against All Odds and Over the Odds