What is our response when we are facing challenges?.. our natural instinct might lead us to thinking and talking about it.. it is perfectly normal until we start to overthink and/or overtalk..
1) thinking and talking about the challenges will not change anything.. we will not solve the issue just by thinking and talking about it over and over again.. what they do is to magnify the challenge which brings worry and fear into the equation.. the more we think or talk about the problem the more worried we become.. worry and peace do not come together..
2) if only we pray as much as we think or talk about the problem.. when we raise our thanksgiving and petition to God we are acknowledging that He is in control.. it will release peace and calmness knowing that He will come through as He has done it again and again in the past.. when worry does not change anything prayer changes everything!!..
3) what if God does not answer our prayer?.. we might not get the answer we want but at least prayer changes us if not our situation.. sometimes it is not the situation that needs to be changed, it is us.. having the right heart and perspective is the key to maturity and fulfillment of His promise in our lives.. we could only get it from going through process with the wisdom from God.. and that wisdom comes from the time we spend with God.. no time is wasted in His presence..
worry changes nothing but prayer changes everything.. worry about nothing and start praying about everything.. #praynowworrylater #peacecomesfromtrusting #peaceoversolution
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